IoT for your pocket

MyMQTT, the professional Message Queuing Telemetry Transport client.

Known from the german technology magazines JavaMagazin and Mobile Technology.

MyMQTT for Android
MyMQTT for iOS
Any broker
Connect to MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 broker (optional with username and password).
Subscribe to various topics, single and multilevel wildcard topics or even $SYS-topics. Enable and disable each subscription with one tap.
Publish messages to a topic or save messages to publish them later.
And more
Optimized for a large number of messages, support for SSL encryption, dark and light mode, available for Android and iOS ...


For makers
MyMQTT is for you as a developer, maker, IoT professional or just to build your smarthome project! It is the professional MQTT client for your smartphone and the only development tool you need to build and debug your next IoT project. Connects to every MQTT broker. Powerful yet intuitive to use!
And doers
We developed MyMQTT because we ourselves were looking for a simple solution to debug our MQTT projects but couldn't find any. So it is up to you to start your M2M project.
Get started
To get started with MQTT all you need to do is download MyMQTT and connect to the broker you like.

Tell the world about your IoT projects you have achieved using MyMQTT!